Energy & Utilities Security

Lock backgroundOur utility services, electric, water, and gas companies are the thriving infrastructure backbone for day-to-day life for the country and the importance of securing these facilities. This is a high priority for government and energy service provider agencies responsible for safeguarding their performance and availability.

With terrorism, both foreign and domestic continuing to remain a threat and growing every year, along with utility companies increasing their use of the internet for integration technology automation and the benefits they can provide, having a robust and reliable security protection plan to safeguard the country is of paramount importance.

CyberSec has the knowledge and years of experience when it comes to assessing and implementing enterprise-type security topologies for large-scale service providers. We provide SCADA network and system evaluations, business continuity planning, fail-over infrastructure solution strategies, and fault tolerance security implementation defense planning to help cover all areas of potential site and system vulnerability when it comes to protecting against cybercriminal or malicious user attacks.

We specialize in multi-attack penetration prevention by identifying the areas in your environment that require intrusion detection and countermeasure functionality.

Our Energy and Utilities securityanalysisinspections include:

  • Site and Facility Protection
  • Business Impact Analysis

Site and Facility Protection

Targets at global levels is what the modern cybercriminal or terrorist organizations are looking for today, and when it comes to Energy and Utility company systems, no bigger target could be found that could potentially impact customers in the millions from a malicious act of greed or malice. Governments are discovering this and have required extensive security audit reviews to meet passed laws such as the ones supported by the United States.

Cybersecurity Frameworks established by standards institutes and supported by government regulatory commissions helputility providers to meet security standards set forth by these groups. Groups such as North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). These measures include indoor and outdoor risk and threat assessment reviews for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. We also evaluate computer integration points into facilities controlling services that manage large populations, and current asset vulnerability inspections for transformer locations along with above and below ground cabling access.

Our risk and vulnerability assessment review services cover the latest industry and institute standards when it comes to identifying and implementing remediation solutions. We not only stop the threat, but put into place service fail-over strategies when particular types of security systems are compromised by hacker attacks or cybercriminal infiltration.

Business Impact Analysis

Sustaining and recovering from loss services due to a security breach is just as important as assessing your existing security frameworks. We give a thorough Business Impact Analysis (BIA) report to help work with all tiers of your utility company to identify and mitigate security weakness points in your process, procedures, and life cycle maintenance plans supporting your current energy-delivering channel structures that utilize computer systems.

Why hireEnergy & UtilitiesSecurity Experts?

CyberSec security site subject-matter-expertsand computer assessment specialists provideextensive inspection evaluationsthat also includesSCADA security system evaluations. We provide your IT Management and engineering teamsreliablevulnerability examinations and risk review reporting needed for holistic facility analysis for your existing security solution strategies.

Leveraging CyberSec’sreal-world cybercriminal specialiststhrough system audit evaluations and penetration (Pen) testing reviews can help give the quality assurance neededwhen it comes to enforcing strong security enterprise policiesthat address all risk levels that could be targeted by modern day cybercriminals or terrorist organizations. We giveadvanced and manageable framework protection methodologies for your Energy and Utility-managed services using all levels of defense-in-depth best practices, and a fully scalable End-Point investigation your organization can benefit from for years to come.

Our expertsuse infrastructure scanning technologies, PEN permutation testing, and audit life cycle process management strategiesthat can implementreliableenvironment and fortified security designs, using criminalactivity scenario related desktop and facilitylocation exercises that forecast and identifies weakness areas needing advanced threat prevention models with proven industry case studies.