Computer Forensics

Cyber Investigations and Computer Forensics in Bahrain

computer-forensicsDetectives are the professionals you want to seek out when a human being commits a crime. Who do you seek out for a computer crime? Just like law enforcement detectives, Computer Forensics Investigators are the specialist-of-choice when it comes to managing the digital “scene-of-the-crime”, examining, identifying, extracting, and submitting all the clues and digital evidence materials found during a cyber-investigation.

Having a computer forensics expert carefully scan and examine the equipment in question, to make sure the data evidence extraction is both appropriate and contaminant free of any possible physical changes that could taint the evidence in question, is very important.

CyberSec computer forensics specialist teams can bring the electronic version of computer “DNA” to the forefront of investigations, which will help law enforcement agencies to present in a court of law.

When it comes to extensive technology knowledge skillsets and diversity, CyberSec leads digital forensic companies at the forefront of quality investigations.

Our computer forensics services include:
  • Toolsets and Techniques
  • Computer Workstations
  • Computer Servers
  • Storage Area Networks
  • Virtual Environments
  • Event Audit Trial Reviews
  • Electronic Discovery
  • Digital Evidence Handling
Toolsets and Techniques

When it comes to data extraction, data recovery, and digital material analysis in Bahrain, CyberSec has the most experienced professionals in the industry today, using real-world Black Hat techniques complimented by White Hat best practice toolsets and methodologies to achieve an entirely holistic computer security and forensics examination, making sure to be accurate and surgically efficient when it comes to utilizing audit inspection applications and advanced recovery toolsets for quality assurance.

Cyber forensics can be a delicate operation when it comes to identifying and extracting the specific, relevant evidence that could come in multiple formats.

Formats such as; unformatted digital files, undeleted binary data blocks, audit log file examinations, packet-capture information, infected copies of breached digital files, and many more. Hex-extractions, binary checksum validations, meta-label integrity checks, and kernel data block manipulations are just some of the high-quality examination services and techniques we help provide in the investigation.

We provide high-quality digital forensics service with evidence-finding reports generated by our progressive toolsets and techniques, such as hex-dump collection tools, meta-data scanning scripts, and hard drive disk recovery platforms. Using the latest techniques and tools possible will give your company and law enforcement partners the advantage when presenting high-quality and accurate digital evidence proof during a cyber-criminal-related investigation.

Computer Workstations

Company-owned desktops, laptops, or work-at-home computers involved in a criminal investigation require not only advanced techniques in data extraction for producing evidence in a case but also a thorough understanding of what computer forensics companies can and cannot do based on legal liabilities with a company or personal devices.

A computer forensics analyst must have the full cooperation of law enforcement officials, but also be fully knowledgeable when it comes to understanding what is credible and what is not from these types of workstations.

At CyberSec, we not only have years of technical expertise when it comes to electronic forensics but also legal experience in how to manage and identify the most relevant data possible during a cyber-criminal investigation. Local computer hard drives, operating systems, applications, browser configurations, virus security, malware and spyware protection, network configuration, hardware BIOS settings, and external hard drive storage devices are examples of the many technology levels we cover during a thorough system examination and integrity inspection for cyber-criminal evidence retrieval.

Computer Servers

When servers are involved in a computer investigation, advanced information security and computer forensics is required to inspect and examine these company-owned devices, and the functionality of what they do and serve on the organization’s network.For example, if a business has a Domain Naming Services (DNS) server that was compromised with a re-directing hack that sent customers or employees to false malicious sites that fooled them into providing hundreds of financial account-related data entries, such as credit card numbers, you will require the services of a computer forensics consultant expert with a full knowledge of server network host-and-IP-address experience when it comes to identifying where exactly the DNS redirect breach took effect, and also understanding the magnitude and impact of the actual criminal activity.

Another server-type criminal situation could be Identity Management (IDM) directory services was compromised on a server system that was housing those solutions. Your computer-hacking forensics investigator would require IDM engineering experience when it comes to examining the environment related to the crime.

Security Identification (SIDs) attributes, provisioning event activity logged, and data manipulation transactions would all have to be taken into account in order to pull the specific IDM violated technology areas so it can be presented to legal partners for completing the investigation. These extracts would also include hash field translations, public key and certificate of authority log files (if applicable), replication processing, and encryption examination to make sure the server inspection was complete.

These specializations from DNS to IDM, to Microsoft™ Domain Management, to UNIX kernel engineering, are all skillsets CyberSec has available in the computer forensic services we deliver for server level company systems. Having the highest qualified digital forensic examiner leading your investigation when it comes to the computerportion of the crime, is of paramount importance to a successful and reliable computer forensic analysis.

Storage Area Networks

Data for user accounts, databases, private company documentation, financial data information, or stockholder data is the golden ring for innovative and motivated cyber-criminal hacking groups. Storage Area Networks (SANs) are in most companies and organizations to accommodate the ever-growing data records that require more and more storage space management for anticipating growth in business digital data capacity planning.

Multiple protocol designs for SANs are used to help mitigate the security risks a company can face should their SAN system become a target to unscrupulous hacking engineers. Fibre Connection (FICON) protocol, Fibre Channel (FC) protocol, and Internet Small Computer System Interface, (iSCSI) protocols must be taken into consideration when implementing forensic examinations for SAN system environments. Fabric switching technology requires technical-specific foresight that CyberSec can help provide in your digital forensic storage system reviews.

Data recovery digital forensic services, when it comes to magnetic media block reversal management, requires careful planning and the hard drive retrieval toolsets specific to anticipate storage recovery incidents. Our storage area computer forensics specialists can provide the detailed and thorough examination services needed to discover destroyed and impaired digital media data files.

Virtual Environments

Virtual environments such as VMWare ESX host servers or VMWare Desktop guest instances require technical experience related to virtual bridged-emulated environments. Based on the type of criminal action initiated, VMWare guest hosts can be copied to removable or remote storage media systems for examinations by our IT Forensic specialists who can manage the crime-related instance, remotely.

Should the “host” server itself be identified as impacted and part of the investigation, our forensic computer services team would have to work with your VMWare engineers, onsite to carefully analyze the areas affected at the host level, collecting and recording the breached areas related to the investigation. At the host level, we would ensure any guest instance manipulation or possibly stolen instances, would be identified and communicated back into our primary discoveries report for evidence presentation material.

When it comes to managing virtual environments during a cyberforensics inspection, you want to have virtual technology specialists like CyberSec Bahrain with extensive experience and expertise with virtual computer environments.

Event Audit Trail Reviews

Computer Forensic investigations entail end-to-end transaction discoveries to give the most precise and concise security breach event picture possible for law administration agencies to use in their studies. This requires extensive event log audit reviews, system-generated label analysis, file attribute change examinations, networking transaction activity logging if available, intrusion detection log reports, data recovery tasks, and correlating evidence of event workflows related to the cyber-criminal action or process event.

By giving this diagram of action as evidence during a computer forensics investigation, it provides a walk-through for the jury and attorneys to easily understand without the concern of technology overload due to buzzwords and industry jargon only computer IT professionals can understand.

An important part of Event Audit Trail reviews is to include incident response computer forensics from the logging archived as the infraction was committed. Many companies specializing in computer forensics frequently do not capture and collect such detail during a cyber-criminal investigation review, but we do at CyberSec. IT forensics is a dangerous activity that requires extreme detail and accuracy when it comes to locking in, and pulling the recorded data that will be used for future evidence analysis.

By providing this holistic view of multiple systems capturing and collecting the violation event, it helps give prosecutors the painted picture needed to use in their legal argument with confidence and reliable validity.

Electronic Discovery

What is Electronic Discovery? Electronic Discovery refers to findings discovered during government investigations or high-profile litigation cases. When these types of investigations occur, attorneys and sometimes government officials are involved, and the handling of electronic digital evidence must be managed with high legal considerations or high-security clearance approvals before any forensic evaluations can be initiated.

Formal process stages known as “stages-of-process” must take place before legal consuls can accept any evidence discovered as credible artifacts of proof. The stages of the process consist of identification requiring data sources and mapping rulesets with solid date-range credibility stamped into the data evidence in question. Another phase is Preservation. This puts the results into a “legal hold” state, so nothing important discovered during a computer forensics company’s investigation is accidently lost or destroyed.


This is a technique required to ensure the findings does not go into a “spoliation” state due to improper collecting procedures. Phases “Review” and “Production” consists of the documentation and handing over the discovery findings to the criminal attorneys involved in the case.

Our teams have the legal specialist experience and forensic expertise to help provide a high quality results report with solid digital evidence media that follows all the required government and regulatory protocols when it comes to managing an investigative situation as Electronic Discovery reviews.

Digital Evidence Handling

Managing computer data or hardware in-scope during a criminal investigation requires advanced skillsets so data finding corruption or “spoliation” does not occur, potentially ruining the credibility of the forensics finding due to the misshandling of digital information extraction or accidental file header updates. Internet Forensics also requires a subtle hand when it comes to extracting any correlated data transactions found from network connectivity from the Internet to the pertaining computer systems.

This is why it’s very important to hire computer surgeons and not nurses when it comes to carefully handling discovered digital evidence in a criminal investigation. Digital forensics companies like CyberSec are challenged with modern cyber-criminal exploits.

However, CyberSec Bahrain has the experience and latest hacker techniques and methodologies knowledge that can give your investigative teams the advantage they need in delivering a high-quality artifact of evidence during our services for IT forensics.

Our years of computer investigation case studies also helps with our continuing efforts to improve our best practices with on-going lessons learned experiences when it comes to the dynamic world of Digital Evidence Data Handling.

Why hire a Forensic Computer Analyst from Bahrain?

CyberSec provides the latest in computer forensic expertise and specializations. Hiring a highly experienced Forensics team to manage your end-to-end computer investigation is essential for providing law enforcement agencies and attorneys the necessary credible evidence backed by years of computer hacker experience.

Many computer forensic companies can provide distinct, unique specializations in technology inspections. With CyberSec, our broad knowledge base in international cyber-criminal investigations, along with technology subject-matter-experts with extensive security system experience based on hundreds of platforms used in the industry, today, is the knowledge you can count on. Our evidence delivery methodologies provide streamlined findings backed with high confidence in evidence integrity and credibility, with the multiple levels of digital proof we can provide to your legal advisory teams.

When it comes to international cybercriminal advanced hacking techniques and knowing the techniques for identifying and presenting the breach, CyberSec is the Forensic Computer Specialist you need to mitigate all your computer forensic needs.