An organization’s methodology for running a Self-Risk Assessment is an important one. Every business has a level of risk in its operations environment. Conducting a cyber audit and taking inventory of existing business systems, both physical and process-orientated, must be taken periodically to measure integrity and functionality during the life cycle changes that could affect those areas.
CyberSec Bahrain is a leading provider of protection consulting services for real-world Black Hat self-risk assessments leveraging White Hat best practices, current with today’s industry standards.
Partnering with our support services can provide your company the insight it needs to have the most successful and productive self-risk assessment, possible.
Self Risk assessments covered are:
Risk Definitions | Inventory Assessment | Risk & Threat Impact Analysis |
Security Controls Scope Analysis | Correlation – Risks & Controls | Potential Ratings |
Risk Definitions
In order to protect your environment effectively, we work with your teams to identify and define existing or unknown risks. These examinations require equipment scanning, process evaluations, team interviews, and taking stock of all zones for potential holes in your infrastructure. We help you create the process for measuring the magnitude of impact against these risks.
Inventory Assessment
A risk review requires identifying all tangible and intangible processes and company assets to make sure weakness and vulnerabilityare carefully mitigated and support managed, correctly. Day-to-day operations from patching to regular maintenance activities could inadvertently cause a flaw or vulnerability that could open your network up to an attack.
We work with your company by taking periodic assessment reviews to identify system threats, support ownership, physical location, current interfaces, and security integrity of both software and hardware layer components for each solution.
Risk & Threat Impact Analysis
Through Penetration (Pen) Testing exercises that consist of vulnerability scanning of equipment and procedure testing, we can provide your teams with a solid Risk & Threat Impact review that they can use throughout the year.
CyberSec experts work with you on classifying risk levels against Confidentiality, Integrity, and system Availability, (CIA) best practices; we perform a comprehensive matrix for low, medium, and high-risk vulnerabilities and threats.
Security Controls Scope Analysis
Control areas requiring procedures need validation for ongoing functionality and quality assurance. Our subject-matter experts survey your existing in-house security control policies and procedures and give you the value-adding recommendations needed to improve those procedures or create new ones.
Privacy, Roles & Responsibilities, Classification of Sensitive Data, Disaster & Recovery Plans,aareareas included in our holistic results-orientated self-risk assessment report to your organization.
Correlation – Risks Controls
Each control created, managed, and updated on a regular basis is set to cover risk factors that self-risk assessment surveys help provide. CyberSec takes this accumulated data discovered during the exercise and interviews and puts it all together. We provide correlation summaries that management and support teams can use and improve upon during the life cycle of the solution.
Potential Ratings
Knowing the likelihood of the identified risk or threat from happening helps management teams make the business decisions needed to understand where they should guide their budget requirements and prevention investments.
We give Potential Rating tables that help prioritize and define the likelihood of each vulnerability.
Why hire Self-Risk Assessment Experts?
Our years of experience in real-world self-risk inspection will greatly benefit your environment and give you the confidence investment you need to manage your critical systems safely without the growing shadow of out-of-date platforms becoming victims to cyber-criminal attacks.