STC Bahrain Expands Cybersecuirty Offerings

In Bahrain, stc Bahrain is the fastest growing and most innovative telecommunication operator as of mid-2024. The company was created back in 2010 and quickly became a market leader through its revolutionary products and ideas. By continuing to invest in next-generation technologies, stc Bahrain has maintained its status as a telecommunications industry standout.

Just recently, the company announced its intention to expand its cybersecurity offerings and portfolio to support SMEs and large enterprises. These new changes include two new categories of specialized cybersecurity services.

One of stc Bahrain’s solutions is specific DDoS Protection that’s powered by Juniper Corero. This protective measure will help businesses protect themselves from DDoS attacks, which can cause serious business interruptions. Other solutions include a firewall, which uses fortinet technology, and web protection, which provides security from threats stemming from the internet.

stc Bahrain focuses on Internet-based threats, but the company has also introduced more services designed to help businesses manage, understand, and mitigate their overall vulnerability to cyber attacks.

On top of these solutions, stc Bahrain also has a Security Operation Center (SOC), which operates 24/7. The SOC is designed to provide security monitoring and analytics. It also helps guide incident response when a breach does occur. The SOC utilizes Darktrace’s AI to autonomously detect threats and see data in real-time. It also uses Endpoint Detection and Response, Email Security, Penetration Testing, and cloud-delivered security with Secure Service Edge.

These latest developments are crucial, considering that cyberattacks have been increasing in both severity and frequency, especially in Bahrain.

Is Your Business Secure?

Are you conducting business in Bahrain? If so, then it’s critical that you consider your business’s cybersecurity vulnerabilities before a nefarious actor does. Once a cybercriminal accesses your business or your business’s data, it can be extremely difficult to regain control. Sometimes, the damage done is irreversible, like when your customer’s data gets stolen and leaked.

That said, the best approach to cybersecurity is a proactive one. Are you unsure of where or how to get started? Here at CyberSec Bahrain, our team of highly skilled and experienced cyber experts can guide you on the right path. Together, we can identify your business’s specific vulnerabilities, go over potential cybersecurity solutions, and implement any security measures that you think will be beneficial for your company.

If your company is hit with a cyberattack, our team will help initiate a cyber crime investigation, conduct computer forensics to secure evidence, and work towards recovering what we can. On top of all these services, we will also help you navigate the laws in your local area. We’ll advise you on what you need to do to remain legally compliant with the regulations associated with your line of work.

Are you ready to get started? Schedule a consultation with our team now to talk more about your cyber security needs. If you’re experiencing a cyber emergency, then call our emergency hotline now at +973 3674 8648.

Securing POS Systems in the Middle East

Technology is always advancing rapidly, but over the past few years, things have progressed so quickly that the world looks almost entirely unrecognizable compared to a decade ago. One of the most prevalent ways technology alters society is through digital payment methods, which are becoming the norm.

If you own a sales business, then you’re familiar with POS systems. Point-of-sale software helps businesses accept cash and credit card payments, but it can also assist with tap-to-pay transactions stemming from platforms like PayPal, Apple Pay, and more. These systems are computer-based, and they help hold money, give proper change, and record every transaction’s details.

Unfortunately, this type of system is vulnerable to cyberattacks. If a criminal gets into a POS system, then they’ll have access to customer information that you have on file, such as the person’s name, address, and transaction details. Depending on the type of system you have, you could even have credit card details or banking information attached to the customer’s account.

Right now, rising global tensions alongside the rapidly evolving technological landscape in the Middle East have resulted in an increased risk of cyberattacks on POS systems in the region. Retailers in the Middle East have no choice but to ensure their POS systems are secured to maintain not only customer trust but also their reputation and integrity.

According to recent data, at least 44% of retailers throughout the UAE experienced cyberattacks and data breaches in 2023. Throughout the year, these types of cyberattacks increased by a rate of 39% compared to 2022.

The most common type of attack on POS systems involves malware. Malware is typically deployed to steal important data like customer card details. Unfortunately, malware can go undetected by businesses for extended periods of time. While the malware is in place, it will continue to steal data and cause financial damage to the company.

Some hackers also deploy physical hardware to steal customer data. Skimming devices can be added to any card reader. Once a customer scans their card to pay, their data goes directly to the hacker. Unfortunately, these skimming devices can also go unnoticed for long periods of time.

Are Your POS Systems Secure?

Do you conduct business in the Middle East? Does your business use a POS system? Regardless of your industry, it’s very likely that you’re utilizing technology to help meet your goals and conduct transactions. When that’s the case, you need to be sure that you have the proper security in place.

Here at CyberSec Bahrain, our team of cybersecurity experts are prepared to help you conduct a full-scale vulnerability assessment to determine your company’s specific needs. From there, we’ll go over the potential cyber solutions that could benefit your company. Equipped with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision on how to proceed with your company’s cybersecurity plan.

Are you ready to get started? Schedule a consultation with our team now to learn more about our services.

AI Protected Qatar World Cup in 2022

AI has been causing seismic waves throughout all technology-based industries, and many experts are speculating about how this tech could be used for both good and bad. As global leaders meet at the G-7 to discuss AI and its potentially society-altering implications, you should also be considering how AI could be used to your business’s advantage or detriment.

To highlight the power and significance of AI when it comes to cybersecurity, we can go back to the Qatar World Cup in 2022. What you may not know is that an AI tech, Darktrace, was used over two years ago to closely guard and protect the fifth world football and rugby cup from cyberattacks.

The 2022 tournament required significant cybersecurity measures since it was held in the world’s first “connected” stadium. All eight stadiums in the area were managed in a single command center, and AI helped fuel the entire process. The command center, aided with the AI, was considered the most sophisticated setup ever at a sporting event at the time. It was able to completely manage every technological aspect of the game, including maintaining the lighting, opening gates, providing communication methods to all staff, and coordinating all IT efforts. This center helped streamline security and increase the efficiency of the whole process overall.

It’s estimated that over 1.5 billion global citizens tuned in to watch the sporting event. This type of event often attracts negative attention, too, though, which is why the security team decided to protect the event from cyberattacks beforehand by using Darktrace. Darktrace protected all eight stadiums and pointed out areas of interest where security incidents may have been taking place. This discovery system helped staff note incidents that otherwise wouldn’t have been noticed.

Thankfully, Darktrace was able to rise to the high-profile challenge and successfully protect everyone who played, viewed the sporting event, and came to work in the stadium that day.

Are You Considering the Impact of AI?

Has your business taken the time to consider how AI will impact your industry and specific business? If not, then it’s time to start! AI can be used to your business’s advantage, through cybersecurity measures and other means, but it can also be used by bad actors to attack your business, too. That said, it’s critical for you to start investing in your team’s cybersecurity.

In fact, protecting yourself may be more than just a matter of preserving your brand. It could also be a legal requirement depending on where you conduct business.

Here at CyberSec Bahrain, our uniquely qualified team of both lawyers and reformed hackers can provide you with a broad overview of your business’s specific security needs based on an initial vulnerability assessment. From there, we can guide you toward the best cybersecurity solutions that will protect you moving forward.

Schedule a call with our team of cyber security pros now to investigate your business’s current level of security and determine how to strengthen it moving forward.

Dubai’s Multi-Pronged Cybersecurity Strategy

In 2024, cybersecurity has never been more important. As the world becomes increasingly digital, more cyber attackers are gaining the skills and technology to become proficient fraudsters and serious threats to not only the average citizen but also businesses and governmental agencies.

The United Arab Emirates has been specifically targeted by criminals over the past decade. One reason for this is because the UAE has been making great strides in digital innovations. The UAE experienced the second highest number of cyber-breaches between 2018 and 2022, and lost over $32 million during that time period.

To help remind us about the importance of cybersecurity, Dubai remembers one of the most successful cyberattacks in the United Arab Emirates of the last ten years, which happened in 2019 and targeted Dubai’s Cheers Exhibition. During that incident, a mass email was sent out to the company’s ongoing clients. The email asked clients to pay their outstanding bills using an overseas account rather than a local bank in Dubai. Before the company could act, one Russian client handed over $50,000 to the cyber criminals. Unfortunately, since the funds went to an overseas account, the damage was irreversible.

In 2017, Dubai initiated its first cybersecurity strategy designed to protect Dubai digitally. As part of the initiative, the city aimed to raise general awareness about cyberattacks and how to manage them. The city partnered with schools, universities, and others within the public sector to spread knowledge.

Next, the initiative focused on innovating new cybersecurity methods and building up the city’s resilience. Finally, international collaboration was established to help set specific regulations in place.

In 2023, the city announced a second phase to this cybersecurity strategy. This next phase focuses around seven key issues – digital city, digital economy, data and statistics, digital talent, digital infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital competitiveness.

Do You Have a Solid Cybersecurity Strategy in Place?

If you don’t have a solid cybersecurity strategy in place yet, then consider this your wake-up call. Without digital protection, you’re walking around vulnerable in cyberspace. It’s only a matter of time before an opportunistic cyber attacker stumbles upon your lack of security and takes advantage of it.

The good news is that you have time to implement a solid cybersecurity strategy starting now. Here at CyberSec Bahrain, our team of uniquely skilled and qualified cyber experts will walk you through performing a vulnerability assessment and then guide you through the steps you should take to become a more secure space.

If you were just recently hit with an attack, then we can help you manage the incident, too.

Depending on your area of business, implementing the right security measures might be more than simply for your customer’s comfort. You may need to take certain steps to remain legally compliant. We’ll help make sure that your cybersecurity is up to code.

Are you ready to get started on a cybersecurity strategy? Was your business just recently targeted? Did you experience a hack that set your business back? Schedule a consultation with our office now to learn more about how we can help.

GISEC Global 2024: Key Topics

From April 23rd to 25th, the Dubai World Trade Centre hosted the Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference (GISEC), a global meeting of cybersecurity experts. An estimated 20,000 individuals from 130 countries attended the event, which focused on cybersecurity in the Middle East and Africa. Speakers highlighted the United Arab Emirates’s strategic importance when it comes to global cybersecurity efforts. Another hot topic was the potential financial impact of tech-driven markets in the Middle East and Africa.

Around 300 sessions were held by 350 different speakers. One of the biggest themes included artificial intelligence and how it is sure to shape the future of both cybersecurity and technology.

According to experts in the field, AI is expected to have a transformative impact. AI will introduce new, innovative solutions to current and emerging problems, including cybersecurity issues. Many experts are torn on whether AI will be more beneficial for hackers attempting to use the technology for nefarious reasons or cybersecurity experts using the tech to prevent attacks or resolve them.

During the GISEC, Microsoft unveiled its new Security Co-Pilot AI system. This new tool can process over 65 trillion threat signals every day! Reports show that the new AI model was built using the existing GPT-4 model. The Co-Pilot essentially acts as a virtual assistant, reminiscent of Microsoft’s original paperclip helper. Co-Pilot can provide advice, give you specific insights into your vulnerability, and enhance your overall ability to manage threats.

Another topic that was discussed at length during the event was the Dubai Cyber Index. This Index helps enhance cybersecurity across the region by providing businesses with a model for improving their defenses against cyber threats. Per this index, over 91% of UAE firms have already decided to integrate AI into their cyber defense strategies.

Some of the leading uses of this technology include threat detection, responding to threats, and recovering from threats.

Are You Ready to Invest in Cybersecurity for Your Business?

Are you utilizing AI technology as a part of your business’s cybersecurity efforts? If not, then it might be time to start.

Diving into the world of cybersecurity in 2024 can be very overwhelming, though. The good news is that you don’t have to do all the research on your own. Often, the best way to invest in cybersecurity for your business is to hire a firm to handle your cybersecurity needs.

Here at CyberSec Bahrain, our team of cybersecurity lawyers and former black hat hackers offer a unique approach to protecting businesses. Our team can help identify vulnerabilities that other cybersecurity teams would never consider. Next, we’ll help you develop a personalized approach to securing your business, your customer’s data, and all your online information. If you decide to move forward, then we’ll help you implement all the necessary changes to your business to ensure everything is as secure as possible. You’re in control of your future.

Are you ready to get started? Schedule a consultation with our cybersecurity firm now to learn more about how to improve your digital security.

Hacktivist Attacks Increase with Middle East Unrest

The recent conflict in the Middle East is reflective of an ongoing tension that predates everyone living today. Throughout the years, various actors have utilized different techniques to push forward their goals since no viable solutions have come to pass yet.

As you’d expect, warfare in 2024 will be very different from what it was in past years. Cyberwarfare, specifically, is a major concern globally.

Group-IB’s Threat Intelligence Unit has been monitoring cyber activity throughout the Middle East as tensions have continued to escalate in recent weeks and months.

Why? It’s been proven that any rise in political tension or any outbreak of hostilities, as we’re seeing over in both Gaza and Israel, is almost always connected to a parallel increase in hacktivist activity and cyberwarfare.

Group-IB experts say that between October 7th to October 15th, hacktivists preferred to use Telegram channels to self-coordinate their operations. The groups intend to gain attention by defacing certain targets and conducting DDoS attacks. They discovered that over 740 DDoS attacks and website defacements were conducted within this one week alone. Among the most notable targets included media outlets, telecommunications companies, government websites, banking and financial sector targets, IT companies, and retail organizations.

According to the Threat Intelligence Unit, some hacktivists utilize their attacks as a means of producing publicity and clout. Some of these groups will post data that came from previous attacks and act as if the information was just recently discovered to attract attention. Between October 16th and October 22nd, the intelligence group identified at least 649 different DDoS attacks and website defacement attempts.

This two-week time frame highlights the importance of considering cybersecurity initiatives before the onset of unrest. Governments and businesses can’t predict when they might get hit with bad publicity or have a negative story about them go viral. In these cases, they should expect an uptick in cyber threats but may not have the time necessary to implement the proper security.

All that said, it makes the most sense to have a proactive cybersecurity strategy.

Cyber Warfare in 2024 and Beyond

Even if you’re not a governmental agency, you still need to consider the impacts of cyberwarfare. We’re living in the data age, and if you’re a business, then you collect data. Any time a customer purchases a product or service from you, that’s considered valuable data. Hackers have an incentive to collect that data since they can easily sell the information to interested marketers and other buyers.

Is your business protected from these types of cyber thieves?

If not, then the time to implement a cybersecurity strategy is now. Here at CyberSec, our team of cybersecurity experts can help you perform a vulnerability assessment to determine how secure your current operations are and what could be improved. From there, we can help you develop a strategy that helps protect customers, prevents business liability issues, and keeps you legally compliant with your country’s rules and regulations.

Schedule a consultation with our team today to learn more about how we can help you and your business stay secure.

Bahrain Joins Jeddah Amendment to Keep Seas Safer

In 2024, you might think that navigating the open seas would be far safer than in the past, but you’d be surprised just how much crime occurs while at sea. Nations are constantly attempting to navigate the complexities of maritime law and crime. In a recent historic move, the Kingdom of Bahrain signed the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct in an attempt to combat armed robbery at sea, piracy, and other illicit maritime activities.

The Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC-JA) is already in motion in 17 other Signatory States. These nations are all working together to develop a solid maritime security strategy.

Together, these nations are working together to share information, coordinate security efforts, and target human trafficking and other criminal activities. These states meet regularly to discuss issues, communicate, and cooperate in their efforts to secure the Red Sea area.

The DCoC-JA is a new subset that builds upon the original 2009 Djibouti Code of Conduct that was aimed at tackling piracy and the armed robbery of ships in the area. In 2017, the original DCoC was significantly expanded into what’s today known as the Jeddah Amendment. The original DCoC was implemented by 20 Signatory States, but so far only 17 have signed up for the expanded Jeddah Amendment.

This Amendment covers several measures that address illegal activities like the dumping of toxic waste, human trafficking, illegal trade in wildlife, theft of crude oil, smuggling, illegal fishing, and arms trafficking. It also establishes a network of national maritime security committees.

Together, these countries are all working together to keep the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden safer. Unfortunately, though, at the end of the day, it’s still extremely difficult to regulate things on the open ocean.

Meet Your Cybersecurity Needs in Bahrain

Much like the open ocean, the internet offers a vast, seemingly unregulated area that criminals can use to their advantage. Global cybersecurity groups and laws exist, yet it’s still a real challenge for governments, law enforcement agencies, and others to regulate and enforce laws on the internet.

For the most part, if you want to stay safe online, you need to invest in your own cybersecurity. Investing in cybersecurity is even more important if you own a business.

In many cases, cybersecurity is not only a good idea but also a legal requirement depending on the nature of your business. The good news is that you can easily become legally compliant and safer by hiring a cybersecurity company to help handle your business’s needs.

Here at CyberSec Bahrain, we offer a variety of cybersecurity services to businesses in the Gulf Area including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. We can help you with performing a comprehensive vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, data breach prevention, and the implementation of specific technology that will keep your business and your customer’s data more secure.

Reach out to our office now to get started on making your business more secure.

Firewall-as-a-Service Launched by STC Bahrain

In 2024, businesses know that digitization is simply ubiquitous to operations, yet the process of utilizing technology comes with an overwhelming number of risks. For that reason, cybersecurity is usually a necessary priority for modern-day companies, too.

Just recently, STC Bahrain, the Saudi Telecom Company, launched a new state-of-the-art cybersecurity service that’s gaining a lot of steam. The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) system is a managed solution designed to allow customers to control perimeter security and internet access.

It includes features like intrusion detection and prevention, application control, content filtering, and protection from malware, botnets, and viruses. These different features are all easily integrated with the STC’s existing high-quality internet service. Even better, thanks to the flexible subscription model offered through the STC, the FWaaS system provides significant cost savings to interested customers.

With this new system, businesses will be better equipped to achieve cost-effective digital security systems that are simpler and easier to use. Business won’t have to continue dumping money into expensive hardware appliances and other digital security solutions designed as an in-house security system. With the FWaaS system, you’ll be entrusting your provider to secure the network.

The FWaaS will help simplify the complexities of distributing and overseeing the security controls in your business’s network. You’ll still maintain the flexibility to add capacity or change your system’s security levels, but you won’t have the added burden of attempting to handle everything on your own.

Another perk of this new service is that you’ll be offered consistent support from the STC Bahrain network if you run into any questions or concerns after implementing the strategy and tech.

Are You Looking for Cybersecurity Solutions for Your Business?

If you currently have a business, then there’s little doubt that you need to invest in cybersecurity services to protect your business. While you might think cyberattacks primarily target massive companies, that’s not true anymore in 2024. More criminals are targeting smaller businesses, assuming that these companies don’t have the resources to invest in the proper cybersecurity infrastructure that the bigger companies can invest in.

In many cases, they’re right!

Don’t be an easy target by failing to invest in cybersecurity solutions for your company. Here at CyberSec, we offer a variety of different cost-effective cybersecurity solution options to help you protect your business. From network security to penetration testing, we know our team of highly experienced hackers and lawyers can provide you with what you need to stay secure. On top of offering these services, we can help your team navigate the law in your area. In many cases, certain services or solutions are a legal requirement. We can help your business remain legally compliant.

In the unfortunate event of a cyberattack, we offer comprehensive incident response measures, including fully investigating what happened, the extent of the breach, and data recovery. We serve Bahrain and the Gulf Region and have experience assisting in various industries from finance to healthcare.

Schedule a meeting with our team now to discuss your specific cybersecurity needs and budget. Together, we’ll come up with a strategy that keeps your business safe and on track.

Massive Move Toward Zero Trust Segmentation in the GCC

Right now, it’s estimated that only about one in three companies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia use Zero Trust Segmentation on-site as part of their cybersecurity plan. This figure is much lower than the global average, which is about half of all companies (48%).

Zero Trust Segmentation is a type of security measure that’s based on the fundamental belief that no one should be trusted by default regardless of whether they are inside or outside of the network. Under this type of security model, verification is required for anyone who is attempting to access resources on the network.

According to recent research, about 54% of breaches stem directly from cloud technology. These attacks cost around $2.3 million annually in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. This statistic isn’t quite as shocking when considering that about 70% of security decision-makers and IT workers reported that they believed their company’s cloud security was inadequate. They also agreed that this lack of security presents a huge risk for their company.

Despite these facts, there’s a huge gap between what can be done and what should be done for most companies. Most organizations simply don’t have the time or the IT team necessary to protect their applications and sensitive data in real-time. Breaches are becoming more of a daily reality and inevitability in spite of how much companies are investing in security technology.

Unfortunately, these cyberattacks are also becoming increasingly more costly, frequent, and damaging. The typical breach’s impacts on a company are multi-pronged. It decreases the productivity of your employees, demotivates your team, and causes the threat of lawsuits to loom over your entire company.

One of the best ways to combat modern-day attacks is to secure real-time visibility over all your applications and workloads. You’ll also want to implement security that allows you to rapidly address and contain a threat when it is identified in the cloud. For many companies, that means implementing Zero Trust Segmentation. This type of strategy helps minimize the costs and impacts associated with cloud breaches while also boosting your company’s cyber resilience.

How to Make Your Company More Secure in 2024

Are you wondering how to make your company more secure in 2024? Are you considering implementing a Zero Trust Segmentation policy, but you’re not sure how to go about it or how to start the process?

Here at CyberSec Bahrain, our team of cybersecurity lawyers and internationally recognized hackers have all the knowledge and experience necessary to help your business develop and implement a better security system. We can help you with legal compliance and take steps to help you protect your business’s private data. We know what it takes to respond to attacks, secure networks, and comply with government regulations. We offer services to clients in Bahrain and other GCC countries.

If you’re ready to make an investment in your business’s cybersecurity needs, then we’re ready to help. Contact our team today to discuss your needs and goals with one of our agents.

Cyber Wargaming 2024

“Cyber Wargaming 2024” has officially been organized for the third year. This year, the games are being conducted under the Central Bank of the UAE and the UAE Government’s Cyber Security Council’s supervision. The last games, which were held in the Middle East in 2022, were considered a massive success, with a lot of learning on all sides.

Every time this event is organized, various actors simulate cyberattacks. This innovative strategy helps businesses, banks, governments, and others learn more about cyber security and hacking. When these cyberattack games are initiated, they often reveal gaps in security and expose risks that various parties aren’t aware of, but they might also highlight a company’s strengths.

Overall, the purpose of these facilitated hacks is to help protect banks, spread awareness, and continue to improve the various procedures that keep everyone’s financial data safer.

The focus of 2024’s games, according to the Head of the Banking Supervision Department at the Central Bank of the UAE, is to develop new capabilities to protect banking digital infrastructure. The organizers of this event hope to focus specifically on fraud risks. A recent meeting, called Threatcasting Event, was held in collaboration with MasterCard also focused on these potential future fraud threats to credit card companies and consumers.

Most notably, the event mentioned potential future threats coming from AI and quantum computing. While some progress has been made in figuring out ways to effectively handle these future threats, technology is always evolving, so cybersecurity efforts must follow the same path.

Are You Looking for a Legal and Cyber Security Firm to Protect Your Business?

Do you have a business? If so, then you likely have a need to protect your business’s and your customer’s private data. In some situations, protecting your private data is a legal obligation, so this isn’t a step you can skip or undergo half-heartedly. In most cases, hiring a solid legal and cyber security firm is a great option.

Here at CyberSec Security, our team has a unique skillset that can help secure your business and data in ways that other firms would never even consider. Most cyber security firms only focus on the legal aspects of cyber security, but we offer not only a qualified legal expert but also solid advice from experienced (and rehabilitated) computer hackers. Our team of experienced white hat hackers know the exact tricks and schemes that black hat hackers will attempt to utilize to negate your security efforts. They also know about common vulnerabilities that hackers often exploit. Utilizing this advanced knowledge and experience, we know we can help you come up with a security strategy that is rock solid.

We offer everything you need to feel secure. From offering vulnerability assessments to giving you advice on legal compliance, we’re confident that we can meet your every cyber security need.

Are you ready to get started on your cybersecurity goals? Schedule a meeting with our team now to discuss your cyber security needs and plans.